Work Details
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About Dick Evans
Dick Evans was born in the “Land of Enchantment,” New Mexico, USA. Having grown up in a rural farming community in the panhandle of Texas, he had no exposure at all to art until he started college. He subsequently obtained a BFA from University of Utah in Drawing and Painting, and went on to obtain an MFA in Ceramics and Sculpture.
After completing college, Evans began a university teaching career. His first position was back at the university where he began as a student, Texas Tech. He taught courses in ceramics, drawing, and design. At the age of twenty-nine he was granted tenure. Uneasy about settling into one area so early in life he resigned within the month and set out on his own with wife and two children, establishing studios in Northern New Mexico in which he produced sculpture and ceramics. After a year he realized how much he missed teaching and returned to the university scene. He spent a year teaching at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Then he spent three years teaching art at the University of New Mexico. In 1975 he married sculptor Susan Stamm Evans, and that same year took a position teaching art at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where he achieved full professorship and served two years as Associate Dean of the School of Fine Arts.
In 1987 the Evans’ made the decision to leave academia and devote full time to their art. In 1990 they returned to Santa Fe, New Mexico and built a house with two studios. Throughout his teaching career Evans was teaching primarily in ceramics, and that medium was his primary form of expression (although he also produced sculpture in welded steel and cast bronze). In 1991, after several years of creating ceramic murals, he decided to return to his early love of painting.