Work Details
The Gyre
Steel & stainless steel
28 X 41 X 25 inches
Inventory ID: # 14838
$ 8,500
About Jamie Hamilton
Jamie Hamilton is a young but established artist working in a variety of mediums and scales. From his Pecos studio, Hamilton was recently awarded his is MFA degree through the acclaimed Transart program based in Berlin and New York. Known for his large scale dynamic sculpture and his related work as an Aerialist, his recent work seeks to distill “large scale concepts” into small scale sculpture. Using steel, glass, and super magnets as his predominate materials, Hamilton engages with issues of micro and macro physics to create this body of work. Form, structure, gravity, kinetic energy, light and space, all work together creating a fascinating drama of elements.
All Works by Jamie Hamilton
Knotted School
Welded steel, polycarbonate
40 X 38 X 40 inches
Inventory ID: # 14730
$ 5,500